
Capricorn, Daily Horoscope Today, July 8, 2024: Crucial milestones in…

Posted by July 7, 2024

Capricorns face crucial milestones in relationships and business. Unmarried individuals may consider engagement. Couples enhance e...

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British Airways risks compensation bill for delayed passengers in £100m…

Posted by July 7, 2024

Passengers are entitled to compensation of up to £520 if their flights are delayed by more than three hours but it is then dow

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Labour desperately needs some foreign cash – and fast

Posted by July 7, 2024

They can line up Chequers, or perhaps Windsor Palace. They can ask the King or Prince William to host a glamorous dinner. Perha

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‘Rockefellers of Uganda’ and General Electric to build mini-nukes in…

Posted by July 7, 2024

Their scheme, known as “Project Quasar”, will aim to demonstrate to other countries “the immense potential” of SMR tech

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The spectre of Liz Truss will hang over this Parliament

Posted by July 7, 2024

Those pesky statisticians point out that Labour now boasts no less than 63pc of all MPs in the new Parliament, having won littl

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Why the Muslim Vote campaign is a glimpse into a…

Posted by July 7, 2024

While the rise of The Muslim Vote is the most disturbing expression of the sectarianism that is disfiguring the face of our pol

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Burberry prepares to axe hundreds of jobs as profits shrink

Posted by July 6, 2024

Employees were first informed of the restructuring during a Zoom meeting in late June, with affected workers told they were eit

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Britain is about to discover just how dangerous Labour really…

Posted by July 6, 2024

We already have some of the most expensive power in the world, but costs will rise still higher, the security of supply will be

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How UK retailers are responding to rising demand for online…

Posted by July 5, 2024

The numbers of consumers turning to online shopping during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic was not surprising given lockdowns throughout the UK. Ho

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New UK prime minister Keir Starmer vows to heal wounds…

Posted by July 5, 2024

LONDON -- Britain's new prime minister, Keir Starmer, vowed Friday to reverse the hopelessness that grew over 14 years of Conservative rule and said he would le

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