The beginning of this month could be a very hectic period for you and you are likely doing some multi-tasking regarding career matters. If you are in business, Mercury will help you to grasp complicated matters and situations to understand the problematic equations will help you to march forward amid problems. Planetary situations may not be helpful for your financial future. In other words, your financial activities demand more efforts to accomplish your undertakings.
Venus will remain favourable for your love life. It can be a very good period for academic growth. North Node indicates chances of minor physical indisposition. As the month advances, combined effect of Saturn and North Node, may bring problems in routine work. If you are in business, it would be better to proceed only with a definite strategy and ideas. The entire first half may remain challenging and stressful as far as your financial segment is concerned. However, the expansive impact of Jupiter may act in your favour and likely to boost your love prospects. This period may bring excellent prospects for your studies. During the latter half, Mars and Mercury will equip you adequately to accept new challenges and handle them successfully. If you are in business, you will be able to grab important projects and some really important deals in this length of time. But, there will be certain periods during the latter half wherein North Node can disrupt the harmony of your relationship. This week does not seem very helpful for your studies. Exercising right, keeping patience and eating healthy food is the mantra for you to stay fit and fine during this phase. Around the month end, Mars will not be fully supportive so there can be some delays and difficulties in implementation of your financial planning.
Also, South Node can change the equations of your relationship. Month end seems a highly challenging period for academic pursuits. You will now focus more on your health and will make it a priority which could be a positive health signal.
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First uploaded on: 01-06-2024 at 06:30 IST
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