Leo – (22nd November to 21st December)Leos are sensitive A happy love life waits for you. Officially, you are happy but productivity should be the primary
Cancer – (21st June to 22nd July)Weekly Horoscope Prediction says, No risk poses a trouble Keep your lover happy and this will reflect upon your relation
Gemini – (21st May to 20th June)Weekly Horoscope Prediction says, you love solving the riddles of life Be happy in the love relationship. Your attitude i
Taurus – (20th April to 20th May)Weekly Horoscope Prediction says, do not deviate from ideals & success will come to you! Stay happy in the love rela
Aries - (21st March to 19th April)Weekly Horoscope Prediction says, be patient in life Keep the love life productive and packed this week. Ensure you meet
Venus in Gemini is in a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This is a wonderful day to feel connected to your inner child and explore your creative fascinations
Venus in Gemini is in a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This is a wonderful day to feel connected to your inner child and explore your creative fascinations
Let's check out your Weekly Money Horoscope Predictions:AriesIt is a good week financially, Aries. It's possible that you'll get an unexpected bonus or financia
Let's check out your Weekly Love Horoscope Predictions:Aries For everyone who is single, the universe has something special in store for you this week. Be prepa
Open this photo in gallery:Gemini.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYStop making excuses for not reaching the targets you set yoursel
Today's horoscope has one star sign quick to sense what's going on, while another is keen to try something new. These are your Saturday horoscopes. Find o
Venus in Gemini brings in options to romance, but it also reveals what the distinct parts of yourself may genuinely need from love. As the planet of love square