At a glance, last month’s sharp drop in the headline inflation figure to 1.7% tells the Bank of England all it needs to know when it considers whether to cut
UK Inflation has fallen below 2% for the first time in three and a half years, piling further pressure on the Bank of England to cut interest rates at its meeti
UK inflation fell to 1.7% in the year to September, the lowest rate in more than three years, official figures show.Lower airfares and petrol prices were the ma
Danni Hewson, head of financial analysis at AJ Bell, said a 0.25 percentage point cut was "pretty much nailed on" for November and expectations of a second cut
The chancellor is finalising details of her first Budget, to be announced on Wednesday 30 October.She recently said there would be "no return to austerity" unde
The BBC will cut a further 155 jobs from its news operations as the corporation tries to shore up its balance sheet amid growin
A trio of buyout firms have been shortlisted to buy a stake in the UK operations of Grant Thornton, one of Britain’s six biggest accountancy fir
British employers have warned that a rise in employer national insurance contributions in the budget could hit hiring and limit pay rises, hurting businesses in
The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, has dropped heavy hints that she plans to increase employer national insurance contributions (NICs) in her budget at the end of t
A trade deal with India remains a "priority" for the UK, Business and Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said during the Labour Party-led government's flagship I
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