Southern Water’s debt has been downgraded to junk status by the credit rating agency Moody’s in a decision that underlines the precarious state of the UK wa
The university currently employs more than 3,000 people.Prof Gillespie told staff: "We must take further action now to address our financial stability and long-
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Four innovative tech scale up businesses tackling challenges from connecting cancer patients to clinical trials, to improving IT systems’ resistance to cyb
However, critics say the plans could put savers' money at risk."Conflating a government goal of driving investment in the UK and people’s retirement outcomes
Stay informed with free updatesSimply sign up to the Pensions industry myFT Digest -- delivered directly to your inbox.UK chancellor Rachel Reeves is to legisla
UK and Welsh Government officials have held “pivotal talks” aimed at strengthening their partnership to accelerate clean energy progress across the UK. The
Those stores will continue to trade while administrators Teneo look for a buyer, and there will be no immediate redundancies.Along with up to 70 stores, Range o
New Delhi: British businesses continue to make a significant impact on India’s economic landscape, with 667 UK-owned companies generating ₹5 trillion in re
Informa Expo Ltd targeted businesses with hospitality tickets for this year’s British Grand Prix The company, trading as Informa Hospital
London’s Grosvenor Hotel set the scene for an evening celebrating Britain’s business elite at the Lloyds British Business Excellence Awards. With twenty cat