Sainsbury’s is to cut 3,000 jobs in the UK through the closure of its hot food counters and cafes and by reducing senior management roles by a fifth, amid ris
One source said it was pushed through on a "snap e-vote and with no consultation with other stakeholders or the GPDA or the FIA's own drivers' commission".Anoth
The minister's comment prompted anger from the Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey, who recently called for the UK to join a new customs deal with the EU, allo
Rachel Reeves has said she will amend the finance bill to soften planned changes to the tax regime for “the non-dom community” after intense lobbying from w
If there’s two things Brits love to complain about, it’s miserable weather and unreliable public transport. In exciting news for northerners, there will be
Couples have previously told the BBC they have been "stuck in limbo" for years as they navigate the family visa process. Some are faced with having to live apar
Freddie Flintoff's son Rocky, aged just 16, has made a stunning century for England Lions against a Cricket Australia XI in Brisbane.The young Flintoff, who sig
Nicky Henderson is set to hand a debut to the most expensive Jumps horse in history at, er, Huntingdon this afternoon. German Derby winner Palladium w
Every town, village, and city in Essex has its own unique tale to tell and character to share.Some parts of the county, like Colchester and Chelmsford, are stee
Sporting News released its All-America teams, and Kentucky Wildcats point guard Lamont Butler made the cut. Columnist Mike Decourcy was the one to release t is ramping up its global expansion as it eyes full-year profitability in 2025. The London fintech is expanding to Japan, Saudi Arabia, Canada a