Residents of Ashford have expressed anger over proposals for a round-the-clock adult gaming centre in their neighbourhood.
The proposal would see the site of a former bank in Church Road, Ashford, Surrey, converted.
One resident told BBC Radio Surrey the centre would increase anti-social behaviour and cause traffic issues for the community.
The developer behind the scheme says it would add “vitality and viability” to the area.
Sonya Talbutt said: “We moved to this area from west London because we love the family life.
“We don’t want to encourage anti-social behaviour. We’re worried about the noise levels. It would bring traffic to the area.”
Other people agreed with with Ms Talbutt.
One man told BBC Radio Surrey it would “encourage people to gamble” and that “more important shops could be established here”, while a woman said people would spend “money they haven’t got”.
Over 200 letters have been submitted objecting to the plans.
The applicant, Astro Properties (UK) Ltd, said: “Planning decisions are not determined by public referendum but by reference to the development plan policies for Spelthorne, the national policy plan framework and material considerations.
“The representations are either not material to planning considerations or, if they are, carry very little weight when placed into the planning balance.”
The applicants said the site would employ up to eight people.
A Spelthorne Council spokesperson said: “The application is still under consideration, and we await consultee responses and comments.”
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