Travelling during Christmas can be a magical experience, but it also comes with some unique challenges. With the busy holiday season at the airport, several travellers face increased risks of luggage mishaps.
To help ensure no presents or Christmas jumpers go missing this festive season, the experts at 1st Move International removals have provided expert tips on how you can reduce the risk of lost luggage, and what steps to take if it happens.
According to the experts, it is most important to go for direct flights if possible. They said: “Most baggage losses occur during international flights, especially those with layovers during busy periods, due to the increased risk of transferring baggage from one aircraft to another. To lower the risk, try to book direct flights.
“If a layover is necessary, opt for a longer one, giving staff more time to transfer your luggage and reducing the chance of mistakes.”
Another crucial thing is to remove old airline stickers and tags from the belongings to avoid any confusion for airport staff.
Using a sturdy luggage tag that is visible and distinct also helps in easily locating all the belongings.
They added: “Make sure to keep the contact details on your tag up-to-date as this will also make it easier for staff to return lost baggage to you.”
Experts also shared how occasionally, luggage tags fall off or are damaged during transit. In this case, it’s a good idea to keep a paper copy of your contact information and itinerary inside your luggage, they said.
For extra assurance, buying a good-quality GPS tracker can do wonders. According to the experts, Airtags or Tile Mates can be easily stored in your suitcase, allowing you to track its whereabouts from your phone.
They continued: “Not only will it put you at ease for your flight, but it will also make it easier to find your luggage in the event an airline does lose it.”
A quick snapshot of your bag can be a lifesaver if it goes missing. It gives airport staff a reference image of what they’re looking for, helping them identify and return your luggage more efficiently and ensure it’s safely returned.
Mike Harvey, Managing Director at 1st Move International said: “The first thing you should do is report the issue to the airline’s baggage claim officer or customer service desk before leaving the airport, as this initiates the tracking process.
“Usually, baggage will be tagged with your flight information, but just in case you want to give the airline a description, be as thorough as possible. How many cases, how big are they, what colour are they, and what brand? Every bit of information helps.”
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