Rybar, an influential Russian war blogger, wrote on the Telegram app that the target was not the base but a warehouse nearer to
Nevatim is reported to be home to the Israeli Air Force’s most advanced aircraft, including US-produced F-35 Lightning II ste
This might all sound a bit concerning if you have a holiday booked. One consideration is that Cyprus has long sat on the frontl
With both Israel and Ukraine largely reliant on the US for these interceptors, decisions have to be made. “We still don’t
A hardline Iranian MP has accused the president of the Islamic Republic of weakening Hezbollah during his trip to New York last
What is the FCDO advice?The FCDO says it is safe to travel to Cyprus. However, the FCDO does advise: “Demonstrations may occu
A Hezbollah chief, tipped as one of Hassan Nasrallah’s successors, has been killed in Lebanon, according to Israel’s milita
CYPRUS is a popular holiday destination with Brits looking for an affordable winter sun break.However, the ongoing conflict between Hezbollah and Israel has rai
This morning we left the traffic-clogged streets of Beirut, which has filled up with people fleeing areas hit by Israeli airstr
SIR Keir Starmer has urged Brits in Lebanon to “leave immediately” as 700 UK troops are scrambled to Cyprus to help with any mass evacuation.The Middle-East
BRITISH commandos are on standby ready to airlift civilians from Lebanon if ratcheting tensions between Israel and Hezbollah escalate to full-blown war.The mili