Today, you may experience the desire to explore the inner world and try to gain insight into the unknown facets of your character. It is a good time to focus on
You can follow your dreams and take one further step into enabling a special fantasy to become a reality. You may also be tempted to cancel a social engagement,
The stars encourage you to delve into the innermost regions of your psyche. You may feelslightly more introverted or reflective today. It is a time to reflect o
Today, the Moon in Libra is conjunct with the South Node in Libra. This is a great day for emotional release, breaking negative patterns, letting go of toxic re
Today, the Moon in Libra is conjunct with the South Node in Libra. This is a great day for emotional release, breaking negative patterns, letting go of toxic re
This week's message and theme teach us that the world is bright and beautiful in more ways than one. You must not close your heart to it. Before we get to the w
Open this photo in gallery:Gemini.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYMercury’s influence on your birthday will do wonders for your
AriesToday, it is high time you concentrated on being productive. This is a good time to do things that need concentration and focus, such as reading, writing,
Times are changing, and the Moon guides the way. The Moon will leave Virgo to enter Libra, bringing fresh energy to partnerships, friendships and romantic relat
Today, you will feel more inclined towards learning and exploring the purpose of life. This challenges you to open your mind and embrace new ideas, beliefs, and
Today, the focus is on your work and public persona. Your emotions and instincts are associated with your work and goals, so it is the perfect time to pursue yo
Today is a good time to consider your long-term goals and how friends can help you realise them. Be friendly and ready to cooperate with others, as cooperation