Actor Salman Khan has travelled to London weeks after there was a firing incident outside his Mumbai home. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), UK MP from Brent North constituency Barry Gardiner treated fans with pictures also featuring Salman. (Also Read | Salman Khan and family to shift out of Mumbai home after firing incident? Here’s what Arbaaz Khan said)
In the pictures, the duo stood inside the Wembley Stadium as they chatted and posed for the camera. In the photos, Salman was seen in a black T-shirt, matching jacket and denims. He complemented his look with dark sunglasses and black shoes. Sharing the pictures, Brent wrote, “Tiger is Alive and is in London. A pleasure to welcome @BeingSalmanKhan to Wembley today.”
Reacting to the post, a fan wrote, “Casual jeans T-shirt only suits this man. No one can carry such simple clothes effortlessly.” A comment read, “Megastar, the biggest crowd puller, biggest megastar of Indian cinema Salman Khan.” “Roaring Tiger of Indian Cinema,” said a person.
Salman’s travel comes just weeks after two men opened fire outside his home in Mumbai. The two men, who came on a motorbike, fired four rounds outside the Galaxy Apartments, where the actor resides, around 5 am on a Sunday morning and fled.
CCTV footage showed that both accused sported caps and carried backpacks. The clip also showed them firing in the direction of the actor’s home. After the arrest of the accused, Kutch DSP AR Zankant said, preliminary investigations revealed that the accused were in contact with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
Since November 2022, Salman’s security level has been elevated to Y-Plus after threats from gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. The actor was also authorised to carry a personal firearm and has also acquired a new armoured vehicle for added protection.
Salman was last seen in the thriller film Tiger 3, which performed well at the box office. Helmed by Maneesh Sharma, the film also starred Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi in the lead roles.
with ANI inputs
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