A surfer has died after being impaled by a swordfish in a freak accident in Indonesia.Giulia Manfrini, a 36-year-old Italian, w
Mike Turner, a Republican member of the House of Representatives and chairman of its intelligence committee, wrote to Joe Biden
Such claims are hardly without foundation.Despite some two dozen amnesties announced by Assad over the years, tens of thousands
People are being urged not to buy the feline equivalent of XL bully dogs, which have been created by breeders in the US.The hybrid breed is understood to be spr
The UK government will not apologise over Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade at next week’s Commonwealth heads of government (Chogm) summit in
The Princess Royal attended a performance by the world’s oldest riding academy in London as it tours the UK for the first time in almost a decade.Anne was tre
Three surprising countries will see more people become millionaires by 2028 than any other in Europe - and only one of them is a member of the Europan Union - a
The Sportsman Inn stopped serving food after the Covid lockdowns because it was “difficult to make any margin on”.But Mr Fletcher said the event proved ther
An 82-year-old Dutch woman is still riding the same bicycle she was given nearly seven decades ago when she was 13.Jo Goosens s
Across the world, millions of people are impacted by the cocaine addiction epi
The Home Office has recruited 200 staff to clear a backlog of 23,300 modern slavery cases left by the last government, a minister has told the Guardian.Jess Phi
Kazakhstan and Belarus also surrendered nuclear weapons they inherited after the collapse of the Soviet Union.Ukraine has four