Mr Netanyahu, who is hosting Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, in Tel Aviv on Tuesday morning, is scheduled to meet th
In a world of complex legal systems and international agreements, questions about sovereignty and autonomy often arise.One such question is whether the United K
Donald Trump has warned Nato members they will be on their “own” unless they increase their defence spending if he wins a s
Yet despite personal reservations, Mr Ivainishvili was able to project a liberalising image to the West, both publicly and in p
British tourists have been issued an urgent travel warning by the UK Foreign Office.The Foreign Office told holidaymakers going to the Caribbean that the Tobago
As well as providing logistical support and safe haven for Russian operatives, the family are said to have gathered intelligenc
The French actor Gérard Depardieu will be tried in October for the sexual assault of two women, the Paris prosecutor’s offic
Israel has previously insisted that it cannot commit to ending the war until Hamas has been destroyed, necessitating an invasio
It said an 80-strong Chinese delegation recently travelled to the area on a reconnaissance mission and visited La Mongie, a ski
The British and Irish governments are facing mounting pressure as they grapple with asylum policy and its implications for migration across the Irish Sea.Megan
Latvia has urged its citizens to convert their basements into air raid shelters amid fears that the Baltics could be Vladimir P
Chilling maps have revealed the catastrophic impact a nuclear strike could have on major UK and cities, as fears of World War 3 escalate. This comes as Russian