His decision that the ICC “has jurisdiction over Israeli, Palestinian or other nationals who committed crimes in Gaza or the
The roof of a terminal building at New Delhi’s international airport collapsed in heavy rains early on Friday, killing one pe
Trump made a string of false claims, suggested he would not accept the results of the election were he to lose in November and
Tonight’s debate was the biggest disaster for Joe Biden since this race began.White House aides have spent the last three wee
Trump went on to claim he would have the war “settled” before he takes office on Jan 29 next year if he wins back the White
Across the world, from Europe to Asia, from the Americas to the Middle East, tensions are rising between nation states as the t
In a recent state TV interview, he said he would follow Khamenei’s policies should he win the election. “I believe in the s
Kenningham thinks Biden could even lean into the age discussion and make light of it. “The way that Ronald Reagan brilliantly
An AI-generated advert by Toys “R” Us has been panned for including a host of errors.The TV ad, the first to be created usi
Ms Le Pen remains the de facto leader of the RN, but wants to leave the job of prime minister to Mr Bardella, while focusing on
However, he insisted that the Israeli government preferred to find a diplomatic solution to ongoing hostilities between its for