Getty ImagesThe body that regulates teachers in Scotland has called in external reviewers to look into the way it investigates misconduct allegations.The Genera
UK-based PureGym has agreed to purchase struggling gym chain Blink Fitness out of bankruptcy for $105 million in a deal that would expand PureGym’s operations
For the last 12 years, landlord Leanne Newton has rented her one-bedroom flat to student doctors, teachers and tenants who have been thrown out of their homes.B
I'M confused. The morning's programme at The Body Camp says "fitness fun", but all I'm seeing is a tub of ice-cold water.After a frankly laughable first attempt
Five weeks prior to our cover shoot, Gordon Ramsay was on social media pointing out the damage done to his body when his bike cartwheeled through the air with h
YouTube is to limit recommendations of certain health and fitness videos to teenagers, including those which "idealise" certain body types.It says 13 to 17-year
Cryonics has yet to prove that it is capable of returning people to life (Parnia calls it “wishful thinking”), though “th
Pavel Durov is a billionaire tech boss with a difference - the Telegram CEO rejects the usual trappings of wealth, such as yachts and luxury property, saying he
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Google’s strategy has been to brand its watches with its Pixel name but incorporate Fitbit tracking features and branding on the watch - if you buy a Pixel Wa
Achieving peak physical performance and muscle growth requires a combination of dedication, rigorous training, and effective supplements. At Steroid King UK, w