SelectFashion, the popular women's fashion retailer known for its affordable, trendy clothing, is set to close 35 stores within days, following a series of clo
One ranged from a gilded embassy or under the Louvre to an elegant br
Ms Rule is a special educational needs coordinator at Douay Martyrs Catholic Secondary School in Hillingdon but works on her business in the evenings and at wee
British fashion is under threat from artificial intelligence that can identify popular products and flood the market with cheap copies, designers have warned.Fu
This season, Paris Fashion Week's second major debut featured Sarah B
Live Unlimited London has its sights set on US expansion. The ambiti
The take-up of gift cards and vouchers looks to have become a growing
Value fashion and homewares retailer Matalan has appointment Sarah We
Topshop and Topman are getting ready to unveil new standalone website
Burberry is celebrating “a shared passion for circularity” with a