One of the world's most prominent technology investors is considering taking a stake in a British artificial intelligence (AI) start-up which buil
UK business leaders are ahead of the global pack when it comes to integrating technology expertise at the highest levels, according to research from Accenture.
Royal Mail could be allowed to scrap second-class letter deliveries on Saturdays, amid pressure from the company on the industry regulator to shake up postal se
PA MediaRoyal Mail could be allowed to end the delivery of second class letters on Saturdays, as part of reforms being considered by the regulator.Ofcom is also
As businesses worldwide grapple with the rapid rise of AI, a new study suggests that UK businesses are best at b
Marks & Spencer is using artificial intelligence to advise shoppers on their outfit choices based on their body shape and style preferences, as part of effo
Car company Volvo has abandoned its target to produce only fully electric cars by 2030, saying it now expects to be selling some hybrid vehicles by that date.Th
The public are being warned about fake bottles of Glen’s Vodka which have been found to contain an industrial solvent that can cause death in severe cases.The
A £50m fund offering loans to creative businesses in the North of England could be set up to help "nurture and export homegrown talent".Regional mayors across
Hiya PeepsLooking to help someone in need (not me!) - just need to know the issues if I do this on scaleSo QBO has, approx. 18 months of accounts. I have been '
The UK government is progressing the reform of Britain’s railways as the Public Ownership Bill moves through its final stages in the House of Commons. The r