Sports Direct owner Frasers walks away from Mulberry bidMike Ashley’s Frasers Group, the owner of Sports Direct and other retail brands, has walked away from
Rachel Reeves has hinted employers’ national insurance will rise next week in a tax raid on jobs.The Chancellor said taxes pa
Workers in Wales who have been made redundant from Tata Steel UK or a business within the company’s supply chain and other associated contractors can now acc
PA MediaBritain and Germany have signed what the UK government is calling a "landmark defence agreement" aimed at boosting security, investment and jobs.Under t
Sign up to our free Brexit and beyond email for the latest headlines on what Brexit is meaning for the UKSign up to our Brexit email for the latest insightAroun
A satellite developed by the UK business Horizon Technologies has successfully completed its Critical Design Review (CDR), and is on schedule for launch in mid
CAA has added Rachel Baxter as an agent to its global speakers department. Based in London, she will focus on building CAA Speakers’ footpr
For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emailsSign up to our free breaking news emailsThe UK economy wi
The IMF's global forecast shows the world economy has proven resilient, with richer countries having made up for lost pandemic growth.The US continues to outper
The UK economy will grow faster than previously thought this year, according to an upgraded outlook by the International Monetary Fund in a boost to the chancel
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has upgraded its projection for UK growth this year by 0.4% to 1.1% - the largest upward revision for any ad
The Board of The British Land Company plc (“British Land”) is pleased to announce that after a comprehensive search and review of internal and external cand