Sales of electric cars in the UK grew in October despite overall demand for vehicles shrinking as manufacturers raced to meet government targets.Carmakers sold
Primark may invest more outside the UK as the high street will carry the “weight of tax rises” announced in last week’s budget, according to the chief exe
The UK government spent £97,189 restocking its wine cellars in the last two years, according to government hospita
The regulator says a merger between Vodafone and Three could go ahead - if both companies make price promises for consumers and commit to boosting the UK's 5G r
The fashion giant said that it had seen a strong start to the sales of its autumn and winter ranges, despite wetter weather washing out those of summer shoes an
GOV.UK Chat, the government’s experimental chatbot, will be trialled by up to 15,000 business users as it enters the next stage of testing. Earl
A plan to create a clean electricity system by 2030 promised by Labour before the election is “immensely challenging” but still “credible” if ministers
UK businesses fleeing to The Netherlands to ‘dodge rising taxes’ has soared by 320% in the last decade – and campaigners
This year’s COP29 UK Pavilion Official Partners represent UK industry’s outstanding reputation for addressing climate change through enterprise and innovat
Antares Global, the multinational group of insurance and related service companies, has announced the restructure of its underwriting operations, aligning all i