Port Talbot steelworkers and their families affected by the closure of furnaces will be entitled to grants of up to £10,000 to start businesses, the Welsh secr
Stay informed with free updatesSimply sign up to the UK financial regulation myFT Digest -- delivered directly to your inbox.The system for handling UK financia
The UK’s first co-operatively owned railway service could begin running trains in the south-west of England late next year.The Office of Road and Rail (ORR) h
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"Given the delicate nature of this we are not in a position to comment any further," said Mr McNulty.He added that the "notice of intent" is to appoint accounta
It was hardly surprising that the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, declared herself “not satisfied” with the news that the UK’s GDP expanded by a measly 0.1% in
The UK's economy grew by 0.1% between July and September, according to the latest official figures.Growth was lower than expected and the Office for National St
The UK economy slowed to a near-standstill in the third quarter as uncertainty surrounding Labour’s first budget and high interest rates weighed on business a
The $3.6bn worth of assets recovered in the case was the biggest financial seizure in the Department of Justice's history, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco s
The British Business Bank has completed its £250m commitment to the fund, which will be matched by £250m of pension investment from Phoenix Group, creating a