Key eventsShow key events onlyPlease turn on JavaScript to use this feature43rd over: England 131-3 (Knight 51, Wyatt-Hodge 15) Ayanda Hlubi can be spotted doin
UK wage growth has risen for the first time in more than a year, but signs point to an ongoing cooling off in the jobs market amid mounting uncertainty followin
UK average earnings have risen for the first time in over a year but the jobs market has cooled following the Government's Budget.UK average wages rose by 5.2%
The unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.3%, although there are questions over the reliability of the jobs figures from the ONS due to problems with gathering t
Stay informed with free updatesSimply sign up to the UK employment myFT Digest -- delivered directly to your inbox.A pick-up in UK wage growth has quashed hopes
UK wage growth has risen for the first time in more than a year, climbing to 5.2 per cent in the same period, even as mounting evidence points to a cooling jobs
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With a trade surplus of £92.2bn, the UK remains the largest net exporter of financial services globally – larger than Singapore, Switzerland and Luxembour
"There is that perception, maybe from the outside and unfounded in many cases, that anyone can be an agent," says Dean Eldredge, who runs Oporto Sports. Eldredg