The returning Diogo Jota scored a late equaliser as Premier League leaders Liverpool twice fought back with 10 men to deny Fulham following Andy Robertson's red
The top stories and transfer rumours from Saturday's newspapers...THE SUN Liverpool are interested in launching transfer swoops fo
Tottenham return to Southampton on Sunday for the first time since Antonio Conte’s explosive post-match rant, but current boss Ange Postecoglou has not lost a
11Sheffield SharksSheffield Sharks8888666622224-04-02-22-26766766356351212121233Newcastle EaglesNewcastle Eagles5555444411112-02-02-12-1438438401401888844Leices
Colombia arrested a suspected British drug trafficker they described as “invisible” due to his low-key lifestyle, which allowed him to remain anonymous whil
A yellow-legged hornet first arrived in France in a pottery container 20 years ago, having travelled all the way from China.They then rapidly spread throughout
LONDON: A British man who became a compulsive gambler and shopper after he was prescribed a medication for restless leg syndrome has received a £70,000 ($88,0
England head coach Steve Borthwick has paid tribute to the “wonderfully gifted” former international Tom Voyce, who died after he was swept away while drivi
Text size A British man who became a compulsive gambler and shopper after he was prescribed a medication for restles
Plans to build a new dual carriageway to Didcot alongside two bridges and a bypass in Clifton Hampden have been green-lit by the government - a year after they
Mark Pope knows all about the Kentucky-Louisville rivalry. The UK head coach played against the Cardinals twice in his career, so he has seen these games f
76 people were arrested on Friday for allegedly operating a call centre in Sector 63, Noida, and duping US citizens of money, said police, adding that their